LAMVAL - Crystal Engineering Enabling the Combination of Antiepileptic Agents front page preview

LAMVAL - Crystal Engineering Enabling the Combination of Antiepileptic Agents

In epilepsy, failure to adhere to a dosage regimen which maintains therapeutic levels of antiepileptic drugs could lead to a fatal seizure. Often many patients with epilepsy are not seizure free with one drug and often c...

pdf 148.1KB

Modifying Macrophages for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases front page preview

Modifying Macrophages for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases

Macrophages are a sub-type of immune cells that are critical for fighting infection in the body through the release of inflammatory and toxic mediators. However if inflammation persists these Macrophages become destructi...

pdf 306.3KB

Salus - Head Lice Treatment front page preview

Salus - Head Lice Treatment

Salus is a brush and conditioner applicator specifically for the treatment of head lice. By minimising the quantity of water required to apply conditioning solution to hair, Salus can be used in resource-scarce environme...

pdf 6.9MB

Probes to Study Endogenous Enzyme Activity front page preview

Probes to Study Endogenous Enzyme Activity

The development of a new activity-based probe to study Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) which are an important class of enzyme that break down proteins.

pdf 452.1KB

Protein Biomarkers for the Prediction of Psychosis. front page preview

Protein Biomarkers for the Prediction of Psychosis.

A blood-based biomarker test for predicting the transition to first episode psychosis in Clinical High Risk (CHR) patients. This blood-based biomarker test can be used alone or in conjunction with clinical data and has s...

pdf 324.6KB