Partnering with purpose - the DecaWave and DIT story
As Jeff Clancy of DecaWave would say, it is not much use inventing a revolutionary ultra wideband silicon chip with fantastic potential in terms of tracking and communicating if it lacks the added extra that would take it to market. Yet this is exactly the situation he and his colleagues at DecaWave found themselves in and is why they went to the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) to get some help.
“We are delighted to have such a world leading resource literally on our doorstep.” Ciaran Connell, CEO, DecaWave.
Cutting-edge research
The Antenna & High Frequency Research Centre (AHFRC) at DIT led by Professor Max Ammann specialises in the analysis, design and measurement of antennae and associated devices for wireless communications and medical applications. With more than ten years of applied research experience, AHFRC has built an international reputation for working with industry and this has been to the advantage of DecaWave which has benefitted enormously from the AHFRC’s market awareness and tailored research for industry needs.
Tailored collaboration and access to IP
The partnership that was established had a clear business purpose: to enable DecaWave’s ground breaking miniature integrated circuit which exploits ultra wideband pulses to track assets with an accuracy of up to 7 cm, get to market – and for this it needed an antenna that was custom built. The AHFRC did this for DecaWave.
The relationship between the AHFRC and DecaWave was established over four years ago through DIT’s technology transfer unit, Hothouse. During that time the development of the new chip and its associated antennae has been an iterative one. The research for both elements has been done in parallel across the partnership, enabling the creation of a product that works. DecaWave has taken a licence to antenna design from DIT which will receive a percentage of the revenue generated by the antenna associated with ScenSor sales.
“The team at DIT didn’t just give us an antenna; they gave us knowledge...and the main thing we learnt was: don’t try to design them yourself, and we haven’t; and that’s why we are sticking to the (DIT) team.” Jeff Clancy, Engineering Manager, DecaWave.
Success – new product, new jobs
In November 2013 DecaWave’s new semiconductor chip, ScenSor was launched. The new technology has particular application for high-value goods, for example in a warehouse, as it promises to make tracking and locating them much easier than existing technologies such as radio frequency identification or WiFi.
As a result of the launch, DecaWave has announced plans to double its workforce with 25 new jobs as they prepare to address market demand produced by the introduction of this antenna.
“It is exciting to see research backed by Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland at DIT become part of an Irish product and contribute to job creation.” Professor Max Ammann, Director, AHFRC at DIT.
For more information on Decawave see:
For more information on AHFRC see:
For more information on DIT’s Hothouse see:
Publish date: 2014
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