Trinity spinout ETU lands major US investment

Trinity spinout ETU lands major US investment

ETU helps to upskill more than 1m workers across the globe.


Technology is transforming R&D landscape

Technology is transforming R&D landscape

One of the biggest drivers of this here is Science Foundation Ireland’s network of research centres.


US pharma giant West invests in UCD spin-out Latch Medical

US pharma giant West invests in UCD spin-out Latch Medical

US pharma giant West Pharmaceutical Service has made a strategic investment in Latch Medical, a UCD spin-out headquartered at NovaUCD – the hub for entrepreneurs at the University College Dublin.


Trinity researchers give new hope for sufferers of age-related macular degeneration

Trinity researchers give new hope for sufferers of age-related macular degeneration

Researchers at Trinity College Dublin have developed a new gene therapy with potential to treat an eye condition affecting millions of people across the world.


 How this DCU spin-out is helping build the UK’s ‘greenest road ever’

How this DCU spin-out is helping build the UK’s ‘greenest road ever’

Vish Gain spoke to Ambisense CEO Stephen McNulty about how the start-up helped one of the UK’s most ambitious infrastructure projects stay green.