Munster Technological University TTO
Munster Technological University is one of Ireland’s leading third level research institutions. Our income is approximately €18m annually - over 80% of our projects involving an industry partner and 25% of our income coming directly from industrial contributions. The Industry Liaison Office in MTU is responsible for all technology transfer activities between the institute and industry.
These activities include:
- Managing the university's intellectual property (IP) policy
- Creating and promoting awareness of IP within MTU through guides, seminars, guest speakers, lectures, training courses, etc.
- Creating and building strong links with industry
- Generating income for education and future research
- Facilitating commercialisation of the university’s research for the public good
- Working with MTU staff, researchers and students to commercialise their discoveries through the creation of MTU campus companies and the licensing of university's IP to Irish companies

MTU has over 140 registered postgraduate research students and 85 dedicated research staff, including 13 research programme managers. Our research community has many strong engagements with industry, being involved in research projects with over 130 companies and completing over 410 undergraduate projects with industrial partners annually. We are specialists in dealing with intellectual property. A hallmark of MTU's research activity is our focus on internationally competitive, multidisciplinary research in targeted areas of societal and economic significance both nationally and on a global scale. This makes MTU researchers the perfect partners for industry.
MTU's research focuses on five thematic areas:
- Life Sciences and wellbeing – molecular diagnostics, biotherapeutics, gait analysis, biomedical engineering
- Photonics – optics, semiconductor lasers, spectroscopy, biophotonics and astronomy
- Information and communications technology – embedded networked systems applied to energy management, water systems management and smart systems, machine learning, high-performance computing
- Maritime, energy and sustainable environment – renewable energy testbeds, energy efficient buildings, maritime safety and security, maritime transport and logistics
- Exercise and health – overweight and obesity in children
Niall Smith, Head of Research
MTU Cork - Research Website.